Quick update: The resolution with amendments has been placed on the Board of Supervisor's agenda for next Tuesday, Nov 28, under consent vote. Consent votes are almost always accepted as is. However, there have been some individuals who have spoken with both Chair Quintero and Supervisor Pacheco about the possibility of moving the resolution out of consent vote and into the regular agenda. If this happens, there will be time for more discussion and public commentary.
Click here to read the amended resolution
Note the following amendments:
- 11-member panel (2 from each district, 1 chosen by County Administration Office)
- Posted list of all book removed from children's section by panel
- Addition of an appeal process. Decisions can be appealed by submitting in writing or in-person to the same 11-member panel
We strongly encourage you to again, write emails to the Supervisors (and the Board Clerk) to get your opposition noted on the record before the meeting. Write letters to the editor of the Bee and other news outlets, and tell your friends to do the same. And if at all possible, show up for the meeting on Tuesday. They may not let us all speak, but our voices will be heard in so many other ways. Support your library, your librarians, and the public freedoms we all currently enjoy by speaking out and stopping the resolution from passing!
See links below for quick access to Board emails, letters to the editor, and more.
On November 7, Supervisor Steve Brandau will bring a resolution to the Fresno County Board of Supervisors. Click here to read the resolution. The resolution would create a 15-member panel (3 selected from each Fresno County Supervisor's district). The only requirement for appointment to this council would be that the member be 18 years of age and reside within the appropriate supervisorial district. They would not be required to have a background or experience in library services, literature, child development, or even be a parent. This panel would review all books currently in the children's section of the Fresno County Library as well as any proposed additions to the library's catalog, and make determinations on what materials they consider to be age-appropriate and acceptable for all Fresno County children. They would then ensure that children's free access to these books at the Library be restricted. Â
Right now every parent has the right to choose the books their own child will read. They can choose to review books with or for their child, or they can empower their children to make book choices for themselves. The Library allows parents to make those choices for their own children and not based upon what other people who may have different values, interests, cultures, or religions would choose. It should remain this way. This resolution would remove that freedom of choice for Fresno County parents and children.
We encourage you to support the library in the following ways:
- Sign our petition
- Write a letter to your County Supervisor (You may send to all five, as well)
- Write a letter to the editor at the Fresno Bee
- Attend the board meeting!
November 7th at 9:30am
Fresno County Hall of Records
2281 Tulare Street, Room 301
Fresno, CA 93721 - Tell your friends, family, and community members. Get them involved!
The library is an accessible and empowering space where anyone can find the information they need. We cannot let this change.
Thank you and see you at the meeting!
Chris Estep, President
Please support the Friends efforts to oppose adoption of this resolution. In addition to the reasons listed above the existence of this committee will likely delay the addition of new books and possibly jeopardize the renewal of Measure B, Please call or email members of the Board of Supervisors. See you Tuesday. We need to have the Board room full!
Dear Gawd!
I believe that the role of our public libraries is to provide unfettered access to all voices and perspectives. The public forum of ideas wherein people can expand their knowledge, interact with new ideas, and better understand their own thoughts, opinions, and values only strengthens our democracy, empathy, and collective wisdom as a community.
Don’t like a book, don’t read it. Don’t want your child to read a book or encounter ideas other than your own, monitor their check outs and have real conversations about why you are making decisions. Young people have a brilliant capacity to engage in these discussions with elders and will ask great questions that help clarify our reasons for doing what we do.
In the end, a small group of people should not be deciding and making parenting choices for others. The politics of respectability and saviorism does more harm to us than it helps. Keep our liberties ours!
Sadly, critical thinking has diminished in our country. Banning books is one cause. Parents “sheltering” children from learning about the world and differing opinions contributes to a generation’s ignorance.
My name is Brian Baker. I have been a professional Librarian for 35 years. I am here to speak in opposition to the Parents Matter Act.
Never in history have those seeking to censor or restrict access to ideas been the good guys!
The Parents Matter Act puts the ability to censor and/or restrict access to ideas for the over 1 million Fresno County Residents in the hands of just 11 people. At a minimum, this Act needs to be amended to provide minimum qualifications for the 11 committee members – they should all be required to pass background checks, have a College degree, and be or have been, parents.
This is not the actions of small government. Censorship is the actions of dictators.
Censorship is like a silent predator, preying on diversity of thought, and snuffing out voices that challenge the status quo.
This Parents Matter Act is un-American.
Thank you.