contributed by Nancy Kast
Are you missing the Big Book Sale—the annual used book sale at Sierra Vista Mall? We have a smaller, more manageable alternative for these times. Friends of the Library has a store on the corner of Clovis and Kings Canyon, next door to the Sunnyside Library. Currently open just two mornings each week (Thursdays and Saturdays from 9:00 to noon), the site holds many shelves of books donated to support our library branches. Children’s books, cookbooks, Westerns, romance, lots of non-fiction, and the assortment changes daily as new donations are added. Prices vary from 25 cents to $3 per volume—a great deal for book lovers.
Volunteers are needed!
We would love to be open more days and hours, but we are an all-volunteer operation. If you are interested in helping out for a few hours each month please stop by and let us know. We need stock clerks as well as customer service clerks. We provide training. We have plexiglass screens, require masks, provide hand sanitizer, and control capacity to combat the pandemic risks.